Campus Resources

Twenty-first Century Adventist Retention Study Fact Sheet
The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists commissioned this major research project. Its purpose is first to understand the many different levels of church attachment or detachment among recent graduates of Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities. In addition, the research project looks at the critical issues of why church attachment or detachment occurs and how the church can improve its retention of young adults.

My Story
The My Story is a resource to help guide someone on their grief journey.
Online Continuing Education Courses
Philosophy, Foundations, & History of Chaplaincy
This online course introduces Adventist chaplaincy philosophical foundations. It qualifies as continuing education content. However, it does not meet the qualifying requirements for endorsement.
NEXT STEPS: Adventist Millennial Research Empowering Young Adult Ministry
The Next Steps course aims to help participants understand the findings from the Adventist Millennial Study conducted by the Barna Group and empower a research-informed, relevant approach to young adult ministry. It qualifies as continuing education content. However, it does not meet the qualifying requirements for endorsement.
Campus Ministries—Module 1
Join Dilys Brooks for an “Introduction to Campus Chaplaincy” and Terry Swensen for “Intersections: Spiritual Care in a Multi World.” These presentations were made during the 3rd Adventist Chaplains World Congress.
Campus Ministries—Module 2
This module, from the 3rd Adventist Chaplains World Congress, features Dilys Brooks discussing “Mentoring” and “The Chaplain’s Toolbox.” Terry Swenson discusses “Initiating Institutional Change Caring” and “Living from Overflow.”
Adventist Christian Fellowship—Public Campus Ministries
This self-study course aims to equip campus ministry leaders with the necessary skills to join this great mission of God on a public university campus. It is divided into four learning modules, with learning activities at the end of each section.