Tell The World
One hundred seventy-three years ago, disappointment led to hope. Hope led to a worldwide movement of believers. When we experience disappointment and discourage, the hope that Jesus is coming again…
This is a website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church.
Seventh-day Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus.
One hundred seventy-three years ago, disappointment led to hope. Hope led to a worldwide movement of believers. When we experience disappointment and discourage, the hope that Jesus is coming again…
Dr. Mario E Ceballos, Director of the World Service Organization and Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries-GC and Magulilo J Mwakalonge, Director, National Service Organization, East Central Africa Divison visit with the Hon….
The Seventh-day Adventist Health Care Chaplains Association (SDAHCA) in the North American Division has kicked off the 2016 annual conference in Orlando, Florida. Gary Huckabay of PD&D Directions will be…
Current students are studying for a unit of clinical pastoral education for professional chaplaincy at the Mayaguez Bella Vista Hospital in Puerto Rico. The chaplains come from Puerto Rico, Mexico,…
The 250+ chaplains attending the East Central Africa Division (ECD) Chaplaincy Conference represent six countries and the following Unions–South Sudan, East Kenya Union Conference, West Kenya Union Conference, Northern Tanzania…