Endorsement Requirements


All chaplains are pastors, though not all pastors are called to be chaplains.  Just as medical doctors require graduate school and licensing before they can practice medicine, pastors require professional training and credentialing.  To become a specialist in any medical field requires advanced professional training, residency and certification.  To become a chaplain, pastors must have advanced training, pastoral experience verified by current credentials and ecclesiastical endorsement.

Endorsement requirements are established by each Seventh-day Adventist World Division for the chaplains within that region. If you are seeking endorsement, please contact the Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries director for your Division. A current list of directors is available here.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to endorsing only qualified clergy in chaplaincy ministries.  Ecclesiastical endorsement is granted only to individuals who qualify for appropriate ministerial credentials, and who have applied to serve or are serving as chaplains in one of the following chaplaincies:

  • Campus – Adventist and public colleges and universities
  • Community – Disaster response, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, government legislatures, search and rescue
  • Corrections – Federal, state, and local prisons
  • Health Care – Hospital, hospice, assisted living and nursing homes
  • Military (Active Duty and Reserve Components)
  • Work place institutions or organizations—Airports, businesses, cruise lines, industrial, and sports organizations