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This email has updated information about:

• the shipping of World Congress packages.
• links to the latest issues of 
The Adventist Chaplain and For God and Country.
• a link to the ACM YouTube channel where you can review
the World Congress presentations.

You Are Not Forgotten

Many of you expressed your appreciation for the World Congress and the training that you received. With your paid registration, you are also scheduled to receive several items including a Chaplain’s Bible, an ACM shirt, and other items.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have been unable to send these items to you. But, do not worry. You have not been forgotten. As soon as the ACM-GC staff is permitted to be in the warehouse, we will be preparing and packaging your items.
To ensure that the items arrive safely in your region, the packages will be delivered to your Division office. Arrangements have been made with each ACM Division Director to send the packages from their offices.
Earlier this year we were able to send packages to the Chaplains in the United States. If you live in the United States, Puerto Rico, or any U. S. Territories, and did not receive your package, please contact our office and we’ll check our records.
Thank you for your patience. The challenges have been extraordinary, but we are committed to ensuring each package is delivered.


Download copies of the latest issues of the ACM magazines The Adventist Chaplain and For God and Country. Click on the photo of the issue you want to download.
Are You Listed in the
ACM Database?
If you have not created a profile in the database, please take the time to do so using the link shown below.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries operates a database for chaplains who are serving in their Divisions.

When you are listed in the database it provides a way for both our office and your ACM Division Director to keep in contact with you.
Create Your ACM Database Profile Here

Need a refresher on the content from the
Adventist Chaplains World Congress?

Click here to watch the replays on the
ACM YouTube Channel.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries—GC Website
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